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Los Hermanos Familia welcomed about 110 floats and participants (triple since 2014), and drew a crowd of almost 7,000 on historic Broadway! This promotes cultural awareness, and art, and engages the community.
SAVE THE DATE the 12th Annual Cinco de Mayo Parade of Lubbock - Saturday, May 3, 2025. (Scroll down to view photos)
The 2025 theme: "Mexican Loteria Party, Fiesta Loteria" ~ Show Your Favorite ~ Loteria an Iconic Tradition
– Let's put the UNITY in commUNITY! Participants are encouraged to decorate their float in rich and festive colors! And of course, urged to toss some candy to spectators! Los Hermanos Familia also encourages participants to align with "Our objective is strengthening families, and building community," said Amaris Garcia, 2024 Parade Chair. "This year we are urging schools and organizations and families to share the richness of their family's history in Lubbock, as well as the strong Hispanic existence on the South Plains, and our history. All are encouraged to decorate floats festive and in rich colors. The Hispanic community encourages veterans, family members, role models, schools, athletes, marching bands, small and corporate businesses, etc. to be included.
Parade Date: 5/3/2025. Set-Up 9 a.m. Start-Up at 10 a.m.
Route: Begins at First Baptist Church at Broadway and Avenue U, moves east on Broadway to Avenue M, then north on Ave. M to Lubbock Memorial Civic Center parking lot. (Participants must check-in and enter through Ave V). The 2025 chair is Amaris Garcia.
Past Cinco de Mayo Parade Photos